How do I study new things?
How do I study new things?
1. Google, YouTube, podcast
2. Read as many books as possible about this topic
3. Talk to people who are the best at that topic in my network and ask for referrals
4. Send people thank you note and ask for more referrals and repeat
5. If you hope people sit down talk with you, go to places convenient for them, find time works for them
6. Dress good, show up on time, bring notebooks, prepare good questions
7. I always find ways to provide value, connect them to people in my network, go one extra mile and do not expect any return
8. Good things will happen
9. My end goal: work with people are smarter than me, had more experience than me , partner together when the time is right
10. Never let other people out work you. And always ask, if you do not ask, the answer is always no.