1. Take the exams that you can register for yourself, SIE, and series 63.
2. Study the more difficult exam, SIE first, 63 second.
3. I purchased the achievable online course, which I am a big fan of because of the UIUX, which is super user-friendly
4. Start with any chapter you like, just look at the names and find the one you are interested in. This step is very important; it refers to atomic habit, which helps you build momentum.
5. Read all of the chapters; you do not need to remember everything; just read fast and finish all the chapter quizzes, screenshot the questions you did wrong, and read them before you go to bed.
6. Take the midterm and final exam and repeat step five.
7. You will quickly realize which chapters you need to work on more, go back to read the chapters, line by line, and watch the tutorial videos.
8. Repeat step 5 until you did 10 practice final exams. By then if the last three final exams you scored above 70%, I think you are ready to pass SIE.
9. If you practice a lot of options and mathematical questions for SIE, it will help you prepare for series 7.
10. The key is to practice the exams and read the questions you get wrong before going to bed. 10. Series 63 is about state regulations, and I used the achievable method again. It is a lot more memorizing. Take the time to read the laws, Investment Act, Blue Sky, etc. Rule of 10, practise the final exams 10 times.
11. Series 7. Do not get scared when you see the exam is four hours long. I would say the content is 70% the same as SIE.
12. I spend three full days to study and practise option questions. Take the time to read, watch video, do the chapter quizs, draw the graph, This is the hardest chapter. Once you nail this one, the rest of the chapters would be relatively easy.
13. Suitability, rule of 100; for example, Andrew is 30 years old, 100-30=70%, so it is good for Andrew to allocate about 70% of the capital to stock. Rule of 100 can help you eliminate at least two out of four multiple-choice answers. 14. I hope whoever reads this post helps you pass the Finra exams more efficiently.